Butterfly Rules
You will use the forward start.
After the start and after each turn, your shoulders must be at or past the vertical toward the breast. You are allowed to do one or more leg kicks and only one arm pull underwater. You must break the surface by the time you swim 15 meters (16.4 yards) after the start and each turn. You must stay on the surface until the next turn or finish. From the first arm pull, you must keep your body on the breast except at the turn after touching the wall, where you can turn in any way as long as your body is on the breast when you leave the wall. Throughout the race, both arms must be brought forward simultaneously over the water and pulled back simultaneously under the water.
All up and down movements of your legs and feet must be at the same time. Your legs or feet can be at different levels, but they cannot alternate in relation to each other. You are not allowed to do a scissors or breaststroke kicking movement.
At each turn, your body must be on the breast. You should touch the wall with both hands separated and at, above, or below the water surface at the same time. Once you touch the wall, you can turn in any way you want. When you leave the wall, your shoulders must be at or past the vertical toward the breast.
At the finish, your body should be on the breast, and you should touch the wall with both hands separated and simultaneously at, above, or below the water surface.