@adam Thank you so much! Such a quick response.
Marlene Kilpatrick
I did contact the Colorado LSC as they are only listing 4A as well.
Odd thing I noticed today is the that the Colorado 4A Girls State is posted here but not the 5A. Any reason why this would be? In fact the 4A championship finished after 5A.
Secondly there is an AZ meet that is posted in Swim Cloud and Team Unify but not here or on USA Swimming. for a Jan 24-26 meet for 2025 SAC Bob Platt Memorial invite.
Is there a way to point to these meets so you are aware to upload. Thanks so much for all the work you put in!
I would appreciate Colorado as well. Swimming rank listed 3 meets per season (Rex Coaches Invite, League championships, and State Championships). These meets generally ask the competitors if they want their times to count for USA Swimming.
I have the same question, how can we display high school meet results?
swim meet results for Colorado State Championships
swim meet results for Colorado State Championships
swim meet results for Colorado State Championships
High school meets?
High school meets?